Watercoloring was one of my favorite things to do as a kid. There is something so special about it. It can't be controlled the way other mediums can. Water has its own nature and movement, so it feels more like you're co-creating when painting with it. Water has a long history of healing. Think of all the ways that water makes us feel better. It's no surprise that watercoloring has a similarly restorative effect.
I came back to my watercolor practice as an adult and I'm so happy I did. Below is a practice brought to you by Case for Making (my favorite source for watercolors!) to get you started. It's a beautiful exercise whether you've never watercolored before or have done so for years. I hope it brings you as much restoration as it's brought me.
An Inventory of Marks by Case for Making
We're asking you to fall in love with your own marks and your own way of making them — let yourself get so curious that you end up following your marks to all the places they will take you.
- If so, try to challenge yourself to make marks in the opposite manner!